
Real estate, urban planning and environment.

Real estate and registry.

  • Advice on the acquisition of real estate assets.

  • Advice on property rights and real rights issues (property claims, interdicts, easements and boundaries).

  • Advice on the process of accessing real estate property to the Property Registry (registration, resumption of the tract, domain files).

  • Advice on real estate guarantees and leases.

  • Acquisition, management and divestment of real estate portfolios. Advice on outsourcing of real estate assets.

Construction and Urban Planning Law

    • Advice on the construction process, land development and contracting of urbanisation and building works. Participation in negotiations with public authorities. Drafting of contracts with companies and professionals involved in the process.

    • Advice on the process of obtaining urban planning licenses, administrative authorizations and other titles that affect the building and development process.

    • Resolution of contracts and resolution of problems related to the construction process.

    • Responsibilities of the different construction agents. Responsibilities of the Promoter and the Constructor. Responsibilities of the Facultative Management (Designer, Architect, Quantity Surveyor). Construction defects.

    • Negotiation of urban development agreements.

    • Legal assistance to urban planning and development entities (Compensation Boards).

    • Advice on territorial, general and development planning procedures.

    • Advice on management and transformation procedures, administrative and disciplinary intervention.

    • Participation in normative and regulatory commissions.

    • Advice on financial, commercial and sectorial urban planning.


    • Advice on sanctioning procedures for violations of environmental protection laws and regulations.

    • Sectoral legal advice:
        ? Waste, packaging and integrated management systems
        ? Contaminated soils and hazardous substances
        ? Water and discharges
        ? Air pollution and noise
        ? IPPC and environmental impact assessment

    • Acquisition operations of companies, properties or industrial complexes: legal audit processes and advice on liabilities arising from environmental contingencies.

    • Project finance: legal analysis of the environmental conditions of the project and the interrelationship between environmental authorisations; contractual mechanisms to mitigate risks.