
Our professionals

María Castro

María Castro

COO and Knowledge Management

She is the firm's Organization Director, and her responsibilities include the implementation of all tasks and actions related to the firm's strategy and business development plan, the supervision of information and management systems, HR control, the execution of the marketing and communication plan, as well as compliance with regulations and internal organizational issues.

In recent years, she has been responsible for the firm's Knowledge Management Department, in charge of the development and implementation of processes, systems and technologies to improve work dynamics; functions that she continues to perform.

Prior to joining the firm, she began her professional career as a lawyer specializing in the tax field, advising individuals and SMEs. Subsequently, she developed most of her professional career in the field of legal information, directing the Tax-Accounting Editorial Department at the Lefebvre-El Derecho Publishing House and participating in the authorship of hundreds of publications. She also led the Publishing House's expansion project in Latin America.

She holds a degree in Law and Economics and Business Administration from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE E-3). She completed the Executive Development Program (PDD) at IESE, obtaining the Lidera Scholarship from the Autonomous Community of Madrid for Women Executives, and the Digital Business Executive Program at the Instituto Superior para el Desarrollo de Internet (ISDI).