
Our professionals

Galicia Sande

Galicia Sande


She is a lawyer in the Department of Public Law, and is specialized in Economic Criminal Law.

She has extensive experience in judicial proceedings for tax crimes, corporate and bankruptcy crimes, crimes related to urban planning and the environment, crimes against industrial property and crimes against the Public Administration (prevarication, embezzlement and bribery).

Her activity also extends to advising on the implementation of Corporate Compliance programs to avoid criminal liability of companies. She has participated in the legal advice and representation of important companies, directors and employees as well as public officials.

She has a degree in Law from the University of La Coruña and completed her training by completing two years of the School of Legal Practice of the Bar Association of A Coruña. In addition, she has taken the module on Economic and Corporate Criminal Law taught by Tirant Lo Blanch.

She has participated as a speaker in various courses, seminars and postgraduate courses. She is also the author of various articles related to the criminal field.