
Our professionals

Francisco Marcos 

Francisco Marcos 

Of Counsel

Professor Marcos is an expert in economic analysis of law and has carried out an intense research and teaching activity in various national and international universities. Before joining CCS he worked as a lawyer at Landwell (1993-1994), was General Director of the Competition Defense Service of the Community of Madrid (2006-2009) and was Customer and User Ombudsman for SGAE (2011-2014). He has provided services as a consultant on competition law in various jurisdictions for the European Commission, the World Bank/IFC and currently works in the Philippines for the Asian Development Bank.

Francisco Marcos is one of the most prestigious academics in the field of competition law in Spain. He is a member of the Board of the Academic Society of Competition Law (ASCOLA) and the Board of Directors of the Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLASF), vice-president of the Academic Network for the Defense of Competition (RADC). Member of the Editorial Board of World Competition (Wolters Kluwer), Competition Law Journal, European Business Organization Law Review (TMC Asser) and European Company Law (Kluwer Law International). He is the author of numerous research papers, including two books, and more than seventy contributions to collective works or journal articles.