
Our professionals

Francisco Caamaño

Francisco Caamaño


He is a professional partner in the Public Law Department of the firm and is specialized in advising medium and large companies on regulatory compliance (Compliance), Economic Criminal Law, as well as all types of Administrative and Constitutional Law contingencies. He holds a PhD in Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela, and has been a Lawyer of the Constitutional Court for 9 years at the proposal of its plenary session, which has allowed him to obtain a great specialization in multiple subjects due to the varied typology of legal matters that access said court. He has also been Minister of Justice of the Government of Spain.

Since 2002 he is Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Valencia and has directed the Foundation for Democracy and Local Government from which he prepared and coordinated multiple reports and publications on issues related to municipal and provincial administrations.

In the academic field, he has worked at various European research centres (European Institute of Florence, University of Edinburgh, etc.) and is the author of a multitude of doctrinal articles and books, including “The Parliamentary Mandate”, “The Control of the Constitutionality of Regulatory Provisions”, “Jurisdiction and Constitutional Processes”, “The Constitutional Guarantee of Innocence” and “Federal Democracy. Notes on Spain”, specialising in issues such as Constitutional Jurisdiction, Constitutional Criminal Law, Fundamental Rights and matters concerning Public Administrations.

In 2004, Caamaño was appointed Secretary of State for Relations with the Parliament, in 2008 Secretary of State for Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs and in 2009 he was appointed Minister of Justice, a position he held until 2011. He has also been President of the Justice and Home Affairs Commission of the European Union, a member of Congress and a regional parliamentarian. As a lawyer and public official, he has worked directly on the drafting of many innovative laws and legal reforms, such as the 2010 reform of the Criminal Code, which established for the first time in Spain the criminal liability of legal entities and proposed compliance programmes as exemptions, or the first bankruptcy reform that sought to protect refinancing, Royal Decree-Law 3/2009 on urgent measures in bankruptcy matters.

He is also the Delegate for Galicia of the Spanish Compliance Association (ASCOM).