
Our professionals

Carlos Seoane

Carlos Seoane

Managing Partner

He is Managing Partner of the firm and head of the Public Law Department.

He is a specialist in Administrative, Pharmaceutical and Economic Criminal Law and is Legal Advisor to the Federation of Pharmacy Entrepreneurs of Galicia.

In the field of Economic Criminal Law, he has participated in a notable way in well-known legal proceedings and operations (tax crime, money laundering, corruption) advising directors and employees of important multinationals and listed companies, as well as public officials.

He has a degree in Law from the University of A Coruña and prepared for the State Attorney's exams. He has also completed a degree in Philosophy and Letters from the UNED. He has participated as a speaker in various seminars on tax and corporate crimes, money laundering, and has also participated as a speaker in national conferences related to administrative-pharmaceutical law. He teaches in various Masters and postgraduate courses and is the author of numerous doctrinal articles.

He has been recognized in the prestigious directory “Best Lawyer of the Year 2020” in the “Administrative Law” category.