
Our professionals

Almudena Fernández

Almudena Fernández

Of Counsel

She is an “Of Counsel” of the Department of Public Law.

A Professor of Administrative Law at the University of A Coruña, she specializes in Urban Planning Law in the different areas that structure this sector.

In addition to being the author of various books, manuals and articles on the subject, she is a member of the International Association of Administrative Law, a member of the Ibero-American Forum of Administrative Law and a member of the Institute of Maritime Studies and the Coastal Observatory of the UDC. She has been a guest professor and speaker at various conferences and has carried out research stays in Crete and Milan.

She is also a member of the group of experts “Towards a territorial agenda for Galicia” led by the RÍA Foundation in collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia and the COAG, General Secretary and Arbitrator of the Northwest Court of Arbitration COFER, a member of the team of scientific evaluators of the Journal of Urban Planning and Environment Law as a jurist specializing in urban planning, among others.

In regulatory and normative technique matters, she was co-author of the Code of Law 1/1997 on Land of Galicia, member of the Legal Commission of Law 9/2002 on Urban Planning and Protection of the Rural Environment of Galicia, coordinator of Law 18/2008 on Housing of Galicia, member of the commission for the reform of the legislation on social services and accessibility, as well as at the local level, drafting ordinances and participating in territorial and urban planning teams as a Doctor.

From the point of view of the legal consultancy and advice activity, she began her activity at CENGALESA (Galician Centre for Studies and Advice) until 2003, in 2009 she joined the law firm Vales y Asociados as a practicing lawyer, and in 2018 as a founder in the Ius Publicum Spin-off of the UDC.

In the jurisdictional field, she served as a Permanent Deputy Magistrate in the Administrative Litigation Division of the High Court of Justice of Galicia (2003-2005), as well as in reinforcement sections in the contentious courts of A Coruña as a specialist in Urban Planning Law.