
Our professionals

Alfredo Areoso

Alfredo Areoso

Of Counsel

He is an “Of Counsel” in the commercial area.

Specialized in Commercial Law (Corporate Law, Contracting, Bankruptcy and Cooperatives) and in certain areas of Civil Law (Obligations, Contracts and Real Estate), he has carried out a wide professional activity, especially in business advice, business operations, mergers and acquisitions and contracting. He has extensive experience in litigation in judicial and arbitration proceedings in civil and commercial matters.

Likewise, he actively participates in advising the administrative bodies of various companies in various economic sectors.

He is the author of the manuals “Practice of Bankruptcy Law” (2018), “Notes on Bankruptcy Law” (2012), “Outlines of L 1/2000 of Civil Procedure” (2002), “Civil Law Handbook” (2001). He has also published the following works: “The new regulatory framework for Bankruptcy Law” (2020, Ed. Wolters Kluwer), “Compendium of Common Civil Law” (2021, Ed. Wolters Kluwer), “Practical Treatise on Bankruptcy Law” (2023, Ed. Colex) and “Handbook of Insolvency Law” (2024, Ed. Colex).

He has participated as a speaker in numerous courses and seminars related to Business Law and Companies and Cooperatives. He has taught the Commercial Law module in the Master's Degree in Business Law at the University of A Coruña. In addition, he has collaborated with the School of Legal Practice of the Illustrious Provincial Bar Association of A Coruña in the field of Corporate Law.

He holds a degree in Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela.