
Criminal and compliance.

We have the  most qualified.

Under the coordination of Francisco Caamaño, former Minister of Justice, former member of the Constitutional Court and Professor of Constitutional Law, the Economic Criminal Law Department of the firm has accredited professionals in this field who have participated in multiple processes and operations of great media notoriety, advising and representing businessmen, politicians and individuals as well as employees, directors and managers of important multinational companies, some of them listed. The team is made up of professors, former judges, prosecutors and renowned lawyers who are frequently called upon to give training courses in public and private institutions and have even actively participated in the drafting of the current Criminal Code, following the latest reforms carried out in relation to economic crimes.


In particular, our work focuses  on procedures relating to:

    • Corporate crimes.
    • Punishable insolvency.
    • Crimes against industrial property and copyright.
    • Economic crimes.
    • Tax crimes and money laundering.
    • Crimes related to urban planning and the environment.
    • Prevarication and bribery.

Furthermore, the introduction of criminal law into the commercial and corporate sphere has brought with it a significant increase in the chances of a company becoming involved in criminal proceedings, with the resulting reputational, operational, economic, etc. costs, in addition to the negative consequences that may affect the directors and managers themselves.

The possibility that companies may be held accountable for crimes committed by their directors, managers or employees or should have prevented requires that companies adopt active diligence policies in crime prevention, known by the English term Corporate Compliance, which obliges companies to implement effective supervision and control systems and, following the reform of the Criminal Code, the duty covers practically all possible branches of business activity and multiple forms of crime, from tax crimes, fraud, bribery or concealment of assets to urban planning crimes, crimes against the environment or corruption between individuals.

Our office has a Department specialised in the implementation of prevention and detection systems. Our work includes the analysis of the specific characteristics of the company, its sector and environment and the development of internal Protocols for Criminal Risk Management and Crime Prevention. These instruments are complemented by the development of a computer application and allow the reduction of criminal risks for the company, its directors and managers and, in the case of a criminal investigation, it allows the obtaining of the data and instruments necessary to delimit the origin of the illicit act committed.

Coordinated by the Department of Economic Criminal Law, these processes involve a multidisciplinary team of professionals from other departments of the firm, highly specialized in all branches of law that may be involved, such as national and international tax law, commercial law, administrative law, urban planning, and intellectual and industrial property law. Accredited Professors of Criminal Law who regularly collaborate with the Department also participate in this work.

Thanks to this multidisciplinary composition and the renowned recognition of the professionals and university professors who integrate and collaborate with the firm, we have managed to become a reference in various sectors of activity as experts in the implementation of regulatory compliance and crime prevention systems.