
Litigation and arbitration.

We avoid litigation.

We advise our clients to try to avoid litigation, also seeking to strengthen their position in the event of a lawsuit. We interact with all practice areas of the firm in order to offer our clients the maximum specialization in each case.

We interact with all practice areas of the firm in order to offer our clients the maximum specialization in each case.

Commercial and civil contracts

    • General Conditions of Contract
    • Agency, Distribution, Concession and Franchise Contracts
    • Procedures for termination and contractual rescission
    • Procedures on the validity, interpretation and execution of civil and commercial contracts
    • Ownership, possession, transfer and administration of real estate
    • Claims for amount

Corporate conflicts

    • Conflicts between shareholders
    • Execution of shareholders' agreements
    • Exercise of liability actions against administrators
    • Challenging corporate resolutions and decisions of the Board of Directors

Enforcement proceedings and precautionary measures

    • Personal guarantees (bonds) and real property (pledge and mortgage)
    • Bills of exchange, checks and promissory notes
    • Foreign judgments and arbitration awards
    • Judicial titles
    • Provisional enforcement of court decisions
    • Monitoring and exchange procedures

Liability actions

    • Contractual liability
    • Extra-contractual liability
    • Product liability
    • Professional Responsibility

Processes regarding fundamental rights and infringement of the rights to honour, privacy and self-image

National and international arbitration