

National and international tax advice.

  • Tax planning of business activity.

  • Tax planning for internationalization processes of Spanish companies.

Taxation of corporate reorganization and restructuring operations.

  • Acquisitions and sales of companies and assets.

  • Mergers, spin-offs, non-monetary contributions, branches of activity and exchanges of securities.

Real estate taxation.

  • Investment and divestment in real estate.

  • Real estate development planning.

Property taxation.

  • Family business.

  • Planning and settlement of Inheritance Tax.

Inspection Procedures , Tax Litigation and Crimes against the Public Treasury.

  • Assistance and advice during tax inspections.

  • Planning of the procedural and argumentative strategy applicable to liquidations issued by state, regional or local tax authorities.

  • Preparation and filing of the corresponding economic-administrative claims against tax settlement acts.

  • Preparation and filing of the corresponding appeals before the courts of administrative litigation, the Constitutional Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union.

  • Criminal proceedings for crimes against the public treasury.